

A ballad of a shiftless lad
I was riding on my uncastrated horse back through the great Western desert,
with my pocket full of silver coins jingling all the way.
Halfway I stopped seeing a mistress in distress,
crying her eyes out sharing her sorrow for me to borrow.
Low-spirited, I drove away jingling all the way again.
Midway I met a half-hearted greybeards putting their head together,
I heard them say" A hard world nobody gives us anything, we'll have to work for it".
Indeed a hard world I agree aside and drove away.
In the middle of the forest met a lad of same countenance with mine, chopping woods.
but I guess he's not indolent like me.
Asked me if I haven't prepared anything for the Storm.
I reply slothfully" Time goes on, crutches till love have all his rites".
He winked and say"Amigo! if you're not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary".
Asked me for a hand carrying his woods saying" blessed is a man he who shares his neighbor's Burden".
I drove away swiftly like glorious lighting Jake.
Midway again in the desert I was greet by dust devil and followed by dust storm and took me away ruthlessly.
I woke up petrified! It was just a bad dream.
I rode away now on my stallion's back for work
before the wicked black blizzard fall upon me again.
Afterall success is not easy and it is certainly not for lazy...
© Sarsinot