

Unexpected Love
I didn't know that this would happen but trust I feel no guilt,
For once again through laughter something wonderful was built.
I realise that you make me smile much more than I did before,
But even though I know I shouldn't I still am wanting you more.

Is it wrong that this feels right? I'm very much confused,
What am I suppose to do if you keep me so amused?
I think about you all the time you're almost a distraction,
It's safe to say that you my friend is now my main attraction.

I am trying my best to keep it in but I no longer can,
I keep wishing that you were here with me to gently take my hand.
You're in my dreams and in my thoughts, you're always on my mind,
I didn't know that once again it's love that I would find.

It's in your words and actions too you always make me glad,
There's no dull moment when with you, you never make me sad.
The more we talk I feel it and I know you feel it too,
I deeply and uncontrollably have fallen in love with you.