

Baby Fall..
I Want to tell something baby !..
yaa Hummpy tell...
I am just walking on road
And fall on a road
get dirt with dich
and people looking fare 😮..
people saw me but Not in
Mood of helping dirt me..
I am in anger Gone to stand
But again I fallen down..🤐
listening to this baby Gone laugh 😅😅
laugh and laugh with sound..
I shouted loud just Keep quit 😡
baby got Anger and I fallen and fall..
Baby Told Sorry...
I get silent 🔕
hummpy Hummpy shouted baby
gone End the call..
I shouted Again F**k 😵
public standing out
looking on my sound !!...
I got silent but
public started shout ☹
asking to me...
How do you fall
when do you Fall...
I replied to them
when your eyes are in fall..
Baby Got anger and Told
F**k and Fall again
when someone Fall....

© man_words_