

Elephant Red 'Eyes
Elephant Red 'eyes

Elephant diaries .
"I'm small elephant ", but I'm happy ,
"There's a lot of food, I live in heaven I think,
"I have a friends, Mr lion and Mr Bear,
"I guess I'm the biggest here",

Elephant last diaries .
"I want to go home."
How was human day? I thought they were good,
But ,
As I grew big and older . They ignored me .Why?
Did I ugly or become useless to them?
I'm in pain and I can't talked to the world at all,
Do you want to hear and be my last readers? -Mr Elephant.

It was good weather,
And there was an handsome and good man,
That bring light to my life,
He bring me to the city and feed me,
Until I grew to be big and big,

And I realise,
The food and place I used to eat and stay,
I paid them back with a play,
You know where that scary places?

After 100 days or even after 10 years,
I was tortured without the world knowing ,
And I'm still in troubles,
That singles mistake in circus I will pay double,
With a long string that hit my dark grey skin,
I'm an animal and could feel pain,
And it was very hurt and slowly deadly,

And one day I decide to run away,
And make huge chaos at circus,
To coming home,
Where I used to be when I was a little,
I miss breeze, food ,nature , mr mum and dad,
Can I meet them again?

Oh Now,
I made a mistake,
Because of the overly excited and emotional,
I became another me ,
And there's plenty of human are injured,

Oh How,
It was hurt and deadly painful,
A round of blood everywhere in my skin,
And I doesn't have energy to fight anymore,
They shoot me with rifle ,
Over and over again,
Until my eyes filled with my blood,
And watch them with a thousand of pain I will never forget,

This is my innocent story of how it all end,
The money they had made from my show,
And this is what they do to that role,
Who are died because of their greed,

To you,
I'm just an Elephant that used to lived in Jungle not in Circus.


( Based on true stories. An elephant that escape from the circus and died because had been shot by riffles. His eyes that filled with his blood stare them with a thousand of sad thought ,In the name of poor elephant like Tyke)

© writerturk