

Sweet Delirium
Heart pounding for days -
under the shackles of your gaze.
Will your eyes reveal the truth -
of a longing that never fades?

I'm the real prisoner here
in our shadows that remain.
You were the one that taught me -
the ones you truly love just go away.

Now I can teach you about
my trauma-bonded fantasies.
Where you break what's left of my bones -
and you leave me to die in agony. :)

We have one last leap,
to test the depths of my insanity.
You cut me until I bleed
and you lap. up. my. calamities.

Did it nourish you any?
Each time I opened myself up?
Should I rip my heart out and drain it,
until you decide again you don't give a fuck?

Whatever you want baby -
Anything to entertain this.
Dust off our unfinished book-
and tear out my secret pages.

Read my every thought -
Make a mockery of me while you do it.
Harvest every bit of my pain -
and laugh again as you pollute it.

Poison me with those dark eyes -
Please just one more time?
I'm feeling nostalgic babe -
and I never make it out alive.

Lead us over the cliffs again -
Toss us right on down.
It's a mercy killing for me -
and I relish the cracking sounds.

It sounds like my first love -
us crashing to the pavement.
Doesn't it feel like home to you too -
the sight of me busted up and achin?

I swear we were here a couple times before.
You leaving me behind shattered -
and I'm just stuck begging for more.

Come find me coward.
I'm still on my knees -

Waiting for you to finish me off -
so I can finally be free -
of this sweet delirium from the pain
you always seem to inflict upon me.

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