


I walked to you in my red dress
You held my palms and kissed them
You whispered to me
Your voice was so masculine
I lost my breath

You walked down me to my car and exchanged numbers
Our first night was the best night ever
I kept asking for more
I got addicted to you
Your smell was heavenly
I got lost in the moment

Then you were gone like it was all a dream
Mornings passed, nights passed
I was left with just memories and the smell of you on my blankets
Tears rolled down as my little hope faded

Then you showed up, I lost my grip
Your kiss made me forget my principles
Your touch sold my heart to you
My brain betrayed me as you sank inside me
I lost every iota of control
Letting my body be enslaved to ecstasy

I'm a slave to your pleasure
I craved for more but it's been months I think I lost who you are
Let me be your sub while I call you master at midnight
Let me ride you one more time
This time passion would rhyme

Make me cum one more time before you are gone
Then I won't chase after you when you're finally gone
Or are we stuck together forever?
One last ecstasy to our last goodbyes.