

Covered in a saree
Covered in a 'saree'
Is the charisma of a glowing woman
Made of luxurious silk textures and it's vibrant appeal
Creating a stigma of admiration from beyond
Her silhouettes gazzeted of 'pearl' and 'emerald'
Fragrance not to say the least
A perfect definition of an alluring woman
Arousing dead eyesights and dazzling around with beauty
With all the shine,shimmer,cut-works and intracies present
Catching up the lastest of trends

Covered in a 'saree'
A woman who seeks to make her father proud
Suitors come knocking but fail to meet her exquisite taste for fashion
Endowed with dumbfounding sense of humour
She puts on the fusion of Indian saree and western gown
Her accent melting and soothing the hearts of admirers
Soft-spoken that her spices of character flow out

Covered in a 'saree',a woman of 'strength' and 'passion'
To touch the lives of those struck with ailment
Benevolent as she is,wiping the tears of the distressed
The eye and voice of the needy
Hail!the rendeavour of admiration
Her fame travelling far and beyond the lengths and breaths of her country
© #maker_rules