

Coffin is a wood made alauddin lamp
Enclosed with a human soul
To reach the heaven...

Coffin is a divinful cave
Which gives the
Boon of peace..
No disease, no vaccines;
No money, no politics;
No victory, no sad story;
No love, no heartbeat;
Peace only peace....

Coffin is the dustbin,
Made up of magnet
Which easily attracts
Limitless anger, apertheid, bigotry,
Desires, fame, ego, selfish
Fear and so and so
Along with the decayed body of humans.

Coccin of coffin is humon body..
Coffin ends the all coccin habbits of humans..

Everyone's six feet permanent palace,
Even you are the owner of white palace.

Coffin is everyone's mandatory
Own home with tax free
Only for few years.
After it gets reused
Human can't even
own the coffin forever...

Coffin is a chariot
Carries the throne of curse
Leads by the wheels of
These deceitful people
Who shows their true love
Untill landing the coffin

Coffin is the best saintor
Who preaches the nature of reality..

My life partner should be like coffin
Because it starts accept me
Even I am a stranger to it,
It never leaves me
Even after I lose my everything,
It saves me from rains, storms, floods & sunrays..
It keeps me even my body smells worst,
It hugs me tight even I can spread disease,
It lives for me even after I died...

Pair of coffin is an emblem of love,
Where wonder built to protect that
In the name of TAJMAHAL.

Number 6 is the symbol for
Completeness, perfectness and peace.
So coffin has six sides
Buried in six feet.
Of six senses of lives.

Coffin is a dark world,
Filled with continuous nights,
Gives sleep for over the lifetime..

Life game gets completed
After enter into the
Last level of coffin..
