

Coffin is a wood made alauddin lamp
Enclosed with a human soul
To reach the heaven...

Coffin is a divinful cave
Which gives the
Boon of peace..
No disease, no vaccines;
No money, no politics;
No victory, no sad story;
No love, no heartbeat;
Peace only peace....

Coffin is the dustbin,
Made up of magnet
Which easily attracts
Limitless anger, apertheid, bigotry,
Desires, fame, ego, selfish
Fear and so and so
Along with the decayed body of humans.

Coccin of coffin is humon body..
Coffin ends the all coccin habbits of humans..

Everyone's six feet permanent palace,
Even you are the owner of white palace.

Coffin is everyone's mandatory
Own home with tax free
Only for few...