

Female....the ironman
Female are always portrayed as they are weak
But now its time for transition to thoughts of people who are 'SICK' .
Irony is they always treated as shabby
But in reality we all knew that they are lordly

When they entangle in any relantionship they build it firm.
Do you ponder still these things should be confirm.
A child rely on mother for almost everything.
Still mother amuse them and bear all the suffering.

As a teenager sister are our real companion.
We dispense tons of secrets to her without any fear.
Your girlfriend or wife is no exception to this
When you are dismal or isolated they to everything to make you please.

In lucid words female are piller who reinforce the male.
We overshadow it with formalities ,never show gratitute and repeatedly fail.
Female are the real ironman.
Irony is literature and science are interrelated.
That's why chemical symbol of iron is' Fe'.
So respect them,love them and detach yourself from its 'ME'.
© @Yash Raj