

Below the surface
I am never seen,
Not the real me that is.
Many think they know me
But the person they know is whom i wish them to know.
For if i were to come to the surface.....
Well i don't know what will happen then for it has never happened.
I show some bits and pieces of the real me,
But never do i fully leave my shell.
It took years to build it up.
So why would i come out.
I am unwanted anyways.
A forgotten, burden
Whose only purpose is to care for my child,
While everyone sits around
And yells at me when she gets into trouble.
Yet they don't help stop her.
I get called a child
Just because I don't conform to their believes
And their ways.
And they wonder why i think they all wish it was me who had died
And not my father.
I can't even learn wicca out in the open
Because my mother is such a sticked Christian.
I would be burned at the stake if she found out.
I even have to hide my sexuality from her.
I feel so confined.
I am gonna burst,
Blow my top,
And i don't know what to do about it.
Creator save me!
I don't want to be in this situation anymore.

© A.R.Kicinski