

Oat mill
Unraveling the world.

Abiding with the rules, disposed to the human pathway.
Residing in this beloved simulation.

Quantity and quality bind in an inversely proportional relationship.
I’ve met my share of humanity’s workshop.
From morale heroes, to upcoming fugitives.
Each one picking their throne.

The root of the rules is hidden, in the place where quantity is ravaging with multiplication.
You know you can’t break the rules alone.
Yet quantity has risen to our dreamy, fluffy cloud beds and quality is getting lowered, deeper, double time, amidst no light.

Humans are like a miniature of magnified atoms.
Floating on railways.
Pre-made, conventional paths.
Only a few pairs of feet having a trumping half.
Therefore safety distance created habits.
Cold, idle, staring for each of us.
No collisions.