

A smile that is painful, yet so bright tells a story of hidden plights.
Behind those lips that curve up high, lies a soul that is struggling to get by.
The world sees a cheerful grin, but inside there is a storm, within my heart that is heartbreaking.
A mind that is lost
A painful smile, a heavy cost.

The smile painted on my face, but underneath it is all a different place, where the pain and hurt reside.
It seems like there is no place to hide.
I look so happy, so carefree but in reality, I am not truly happy.
For the pains is deep within my heart, and sometimes tear me apart .

My smile might be deceving for it not shows what I'm feeling.
The pain, the agony and the fear are the things that only I can hear.
The pain is deep but my smile won't fade, it is a mask that is carefully made to hide the tears that dares to fall.
To hide the wounds that hurts me.

So next time you see someone smile, do not think everything is alright.
For behind smile lie a painful heart that needs light.
© Juliana world