

What is writing? Well to me writing is like an expression, like a memory left in the dark. Some are shared while others left in secret. Writing can be sense of coping, or just for fun. Why do I write you may ask. I write because I can. I write to feel better. I write for intertainment, or just because I'm crying. Anyone can write its just words on a piece or paper, but is it? Is it just words on a piece of paper, or Is it a a skill you have. I belive anyone can write but only the purest heart can make it move a heart. Do you agree? I mean if a random person who doesn't write for fun and someone who does write for fun, who's writing about how they feel will move you. Can someone with barley any experience with writing about how they feel move a heart. the question is can you move a heart with your words. I mean words can make someone happy, sad, mad, ext.. How do you wanna make people feel?