

What I Know of Love
I have known its nature
sometimes it is hard
sometimes coy, innocent of pursual
but, mostly love is elusive
hiding in flickering shadows
cast by clouds overhead.
I gather you can know love
if only by its many faces.

Love is the harshest critique
shading light on the best and worst of myself
mainly, I know I don't know how to love.
For I am hardly patient
though mostly kind
but I am more than boastful
with your hand in mine.

You've told me about love
in the dishes already done
as I stand bleary eyed at the sink
a shouting silence not easily broken
each surface clean of dust
smelling of lemon and alcohol
incense burning in the bathroom
and the vacuuming, it's no problem.

A heavy beating against my sternum
feeling like bone fissures.
My heart ricocheting right to left
in some bizarre mating dance.
you putting on my faded sundress
shuffeling your feet in failing rhythm
to make me laugh
or just to smile, please,
for the first time in weeks.

I know that it changes through time
not often sweetening like wine.
I also know I did not know love
before you nor will I after.
Once more, I can only know pity for those
who had seen you, as best they could
and not known love.

© Fae Hilscher