

Today is Independence day, lets celebrate the freedom of nation,

Freedom means:
we all need to get ourself free frm all negative emotion, Negative people, Negative atmosphere, Negative Feelings, Negative situations, Negative words, Negative speech, we all have supported swacch bharat abhiyan, now its time to swaach our souls with positivity nd divinty.

we all had open the jan dhan accounts ,now its time to open Mann ka account,

we all had Atal pension yojana for future,
now we need to invest in gud karma so dat in future we shld get gud returns in form of pension
We need to get free ourself from 6 vikaar
,Kaam, krodh, Lobh,Moh, Ahenkar nd irsha
We need to get free ouself frm old Traditions like baalvihah,nd accept the change for positivity.
Our leaders nd soldiers have fought, sacrificed there lives for freedom of nation
Lets Salute dem with pride, Coz dey sacrifice dere life now today we are taking breath in open free India,coz of dere sacrifices,we r thankful to them
Lets Enjoy and celebrate ,Freedom of nation
Freedom of expression
Freedom of reaction
Freedom of speech
Freedom to move
Freedom of choice

© Geetika Gupta