

Everytime I Meet You - A Letter from Dad
When I first held you,
you were just a small little thing.
Your big brown eyes captured my entire soul
like a camera at first glance of a frame
they captured the beauty in the moment.

Your eyes latched on to mine
Big and Beautiful
Full of so much life.

When I first heard you,
you couldn't stop giggling.
your laughter would fill up the atmosphere in the room
All day
and I could watch you dance around your room playing pretend tea party any day.

You are so intoxicating.

I never knew that I could love someone so small
So big.
So loudly.
Still watching silently; with nothing to say

When I first lifted you,
It was to take away the pain.
scraped knees are no fun and so this definitely messed up your day. Fortunately for you, I know

where mom put the coolest band aids and juicy suckers carefully hidden away.

I will always pick you up when you fall.

When I first tucked you in for bed
It was to keep you safe as you drift away.
Snuggled nice and tight with Mr. Teddy beside you to stay.
Kisses and hugs just for you to lead you back me.
Baby girl do not be led astray...
...there may be monsters haunting your nightmares along the way.

When I first made you angry with me,
It was you who had simply had a bad day.
Still, you lashed out and had some hurtful things to say
I held no fault and still had a difficult decision to make.
So you were sent to your room
Like a regular teen, your phone and laptop taken away.

I will always teach you right from wrong.

When I first saw you pass your love to another
Daddy suited up for battle and war
Who in the hell was this boy you claim is yours?
My protection for you grew seven fold as I threw him to the door.
And so with that you were sent back to your room....

Just kidding...

Then came the rebellion of:
"Daddy you simply can't keep us apart"
and with that a wedding was to be had

I give away your very beautiful hand.

When that dumb boy first hurt you,
You screamed to the heavens.
You screamed all night and all day after that.
Devastated, I wrapped you in a blanket and I held you close.
All of this so you would know that I am here and not near
...because there is a difference.

I held this tiny you all day and all night
if only to give you a simple moments rest
My God....she has been through so much.

and in the morning,
you opened those familiar eyes to someone new.
and in this moment I wish I could share it with mama.
So I stand in for us both over you.

I am your Father.

When I last left you,
baby girl you were crying.

and although you could not feel me I sat at the edge of your bed to help catch your tears.

and even though you could not see me I sat there all day and all night until you fell asleep.

and even though you could not hear me I layed next to you on your pillow and I whispered
I love you

When I last saw you
I witnessed my baby girl's heartbreak for the first time and the last.
and God wouldn't allow me to save you or catch you this time.

I tried to take sanding paper and smooth out the cracks
but my body wouldn't allow me to get up for you.

I see you now and you're such a big little thing,
My oh my how those big brown eyes have grown
to see the world the way it is and the way it should be.

I see you walking around now
you're gorgeous
but you're crying
you're screaming to the heavens and I can't help you
I can't hold you and I can't bring you your favorite blanket
because now you're supposed to be big enough to do this on your own.

but still I'm here tonight
like I am every night.

I'll be here for whatever
whenever anything goes wrong

You are My daughter.