

Nice is Different than Good
He made me feel excited,
Well excited
Mother said
Straight away
No time to stray,
Or let temptation lead you astray.
Oh, I wish I had listened to her
He made me feel excited,
Well excited

he seems soo nice,
and looking charm
So,I crossed the path
He showed me many beautiful things ,
Which I didn't explore till now
He showed me the world more beautifully,
than I see it regularly
I thought he is the very nice person
I never met before
He made me feel excited,
Well excited

He showed me the colorfull butterflies
Flying in the sky by fluttering with wings like rainbow
He showed me the beautiful flowers ,
their fragrance perfuming the air
He made me feel excited,
Well excited

But the things changed
Those colorfull butterflies turned into
Creepy caterpillars
And those beautiful flowers are infested and poisoning the air
He made me feel scared
well scared

His teeth are bared,
Though, I really got scared
His charming looks are gone
he is trying to draw me close
He made me feel scared
well scared

But, Once my mother said that
'"The Whole World's Strength
is in my fist"
I gave a punch on his face
and ran away

And I know things now,
Many valuable things,
That I hadn't known before
take extra care with strangers,
Even flowers have their dangers
Nice is different than good.

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