


Is it the pain that keeps me binded to the ground?
Shackles clashing against another,
Waiting for the freedom that would never surface.
It all feels tiring,
Everyday I'm breaking,
With no one to talk to,
Afraid the little left my leave.

No one told me an adult life is this hard,
Always wanted being an adult.
Now that I am,
Faced with the cruel reality,
I want to be a baby again.
Who's innocence and a single smile touches the soft hearts, that melts.

Why is it so hard?
Traumas seems to be taking me away from the light,
Binding me with the dark.
I've tried to escape from the cold and cruel hands of my past,
But it keeps resurfacing each time.
Reminding me it's never leaving.
Tried letting it go,
But it was all a washed out paint.
It now feels to difficult to live,
Too hard to breathe.

Walking through the valley of the shadows of death,
An experience that's forever engraved in me.

Am I really faithed to be in pain?
The purpose of my existence is being questioned.
What would I do, when the darkness has swallowed me completely?
Would I let it drag me into the dark abyss?
Or would fight my way and emerge victorious?

Being fighting for so long.
Seems like am fighting a lost battle,
A battle that has long been lost.

Each night my soul sheds it's tears,
Broken at our state,
Pity isn't helping,
Neither is sympathy.

A flashed smile and loud laughters is what keeps me sane,
Masking my biggest reality.
Is that how I would live my life?
Being an adult locked in a cage in the deepest part of hell?

Oh how could I forget?
The devil's whisper shouldn't have left my head
"You're nothing but mere puppet."

Slowly, it's all over,
I guess becoming it's loyal puppet, would let me be free.
Even if it's a little freedom, I'll attain.
© kaya N