

The Illimitable Rills

The river that flows down the hill,
Is never able to be a moment still,
The rocks and pebbles at it's edge,
Lie as steady as the dead,
Limping through them with poise and grace,
The undulating corners with water's pace,

These burbling rills harbour within,
A delightful life that has ever been,
Gaping at it puts all minds at peace,
And fills our hearts with love and solace,
For hundreds of years it continues to flow,
Like a mother, eyes us grow,
Without uttering a single word,
It mindfully helps us be prepared,
For all that lies away from here,
Poisonous fangs and bloody smear,

'Be kind and gentle to all you meet',
Is a simple message indescrete,
For life is short, our existence shorter,
Do not squander with nothing but a quarter,
Just like that, the Mighty river preaches,
And mends the Humanity which lies in pieces..

© @vega

Hope you liked it...would love your comments regarding the same!