

I may look happy on the outside...

But to be honest,
I'm literally broken on the inside.
Like smashed glass that was hit with a hammer,
A million times.

And if you super glued me back together.
I would still fall back,
To the million pieces I'm in.
Just the missing of a person,
Puts me into multiple jagged, sharp pieces.

I will be fixed one day.
But don't know when.
Just in my heart I know,
I'm fixed the way I remember how to fix me.

The different me.
The one everyone sees now.

But just one person can fix me.
And put me back together.
The way everyone remembers me.
The way he remembers me.

Where there isn't anymore broken pieces.
Nor scratches.
Nor breaks.

Just one whole piece.
One complete piece.
One complete masterpiece.
One hole.

The same hole.
The one that started growing dark with blackness.
That might not ever see,
Nor ever feel,
The bright light ever again.
© TriciaLynn2018