

the _preference
The preference
A reckon poem
#scale #prefer #keepers
Who will teach me how to scale between the good- worst
And the worst -good

Its like a preference child

What profit does a male child succumb to a female child

Thus what profit does a female cud succumb to a male child

Should we lend to waste or endure ?

Its like a government cup and a private cup

Who plays the rulings?

If deeds known on a beer open waste

Throwing wastes and predominance

Solving the quick response and inflaming the overbearing instances of a night escapede
Do you prefer a night watchman to a woman watchman ?

Do you prefer a subjugated he-goat to a subjugated she-goat ?

Who else knows of the stumps that follows through the process

Binding ropes and vigors

That lending and payback could solve .

... Poet

Jose . blessing.e
© oneb