

Beginning Of Our Bound

The beginning of our world
Starts from here and forever
Till Death do us apart
For you are my end and beginning
And I am your end and beginning.

The bound begins from our unaware hearts
You have always being my inspiration and dreams
Since the day my heart starts beating
Looking at your sight
Same as looking at the angel
God sent to me from above.

Never do we know
Where the supreme connection begins from
All starting from the beating of my hearts
Of unseen faces
My heart keeps beating for someone
I never knew the existence
And that's YOU.

From our friendship
And all to the introduction of our world
The world seems angic,fulfilling and glowing
With your tree of smiles
Inputing my stars together
Into our blue sky.

Our bound became so strong
Always viewing my "ROSE"
Even though she is not "ROSE"
But just like the spicy reddish dreams
Pulling down to your commands
Doing me like Zombie.

Our hearts
My hearts is not in the shape of love❤️
But of our bound
Stronger than anything possible in this world
As we are going to fight the world together
Build it together
Repair it together
Mend it together
And also Inspire it together
With our uncontrollable lasting moments and ship
Which is my remedy and medicine
To all kinds of diseases and problems.

Never think of leaving me behind
For your heart belongs to me
So as my heart belongs only to you
We are going to fight the world together
Even though it is our last sky to see
In our planet.

Your love drive me crazy
Crazy things as it happened
All of you
All of me
Together in our memories
Any distance kills my intestines
So as your silence
Which I never know how to handle
Because there is no control remote for love
For it is Uncontrollable
And Unbreakable

Understanding is our bound
Full of promise we never break or dare to break
Our meeting is coincidental
As I have been longing for years
To see the ladder to my wishes
Moments with my diamond
Has been the moments with the goddess
Your inner inspiration gives me
Sense of living
And all that I can imagine in this peaceful, beautiful paradise.

I,playing around you
Learning new things with you
All reminds me of childhood
Where one feels so free and less worried
While with his favorite toy
And that my favorite toy is YOU
Our ending is just the beginning of our life

I ❤️ you back to the moon dear
Everyday with you is a blessing
Our bound just began
And it will end successfully
Never leaving each other apart
Never letting death take the lead of one part
Never leaving our bound for the world to take
Never letting the wind take the lead

I will continue saying I ❤️you
Countless times
Till Death do us apart
And till the whole world of life hears me
I ❤️you
And Finally We Are One...............................................❤️

© tiara21