

Just one more moment✨ I beg for🙂
Let me step into the warmth of your arms,
Let me bask in the sunshine of your smile,
Let me hold you a moment longer, mother mine...
Embrace me, Love me till the end of dawn,
I hope we could get just one moment, all alone,
Sitting on the fresh green grass, with a wide open sky above,
Sipping your coffee just like the old golden days,
That went soo far...
I wish just one more moment you have,
And we could cherish the present,
The best of memories
And the Sunday movies,
I wish we could live those moments just one more time...
Singing those lines of songs
And throwing the snow balls
Just one more moment,
Thats what i beg for...
But maybe God has other plans for me and so do for you,
Maybe you rest in peace,
And in the heaven too...
Remain in my heart like everyday
My love will always grew stronger each day...

© Ishu.writes❤️