

demise of the youth
You will never see the light of day again.
death has bestowed itself upon your lips
poisoning every thought of happiness, erasing it from your brain
the meaningless path you've wandered in the life you once had
makes for such suffering
torment from which is so sad
ahh but a glimpse into heaven has been revealed to you upon the dead that you've become
never meant to be a reality for you
For now the dead filled darkness is where you are from
dont deny the hate filled evil from its true desire
you have no meaning now
been cast unto the eternal burning lake of fire
No hope, light burns without you from your long forgotten suicide
your own life taken
Now nothingness an empty feeling as nobody cared and watched as you died
your fall came before your very own pride!
your weak and pathetic
why should anyone have mattered
was life among the living far too hectic
goodbye forever

© Derrick Peterson