

I was writing our story and had to stop at where you left. I have decided to print with it 10 blank pages in case you decide to come back.

Within these swirling words lies the remnants of a tale that once bloomed vibrantly, cherished by two souls forever entwined . It began when our paths crossed, intertwining our destinies like celestial threads. Oh, how our hearts resonated, beating in unison, as if they had known each other for centuries, echoing the melodies of a profound connection.

Between these lines rests the essence of our laughter, the whispers of secrets shared under the moonlit sky. Our tale unraveled like the gentlest of breezes, a whispered promise of forevermore. Together, we built castles in the air, forging dreams upon the precipice of reality. And each page, meticulously inked, carried the weight of our unwavering love.

Embedded within these paragraphs, like hidden treasures, are the nuances of our love, the delicate brushstrokes of our passion. Our days unfolded like a symphony, resonating with euphonious joy. The sun-drenched mornings witnessed our laughter cascading like the sweetest melodies, while nights embraced us with tender consolation. We danced through the streets, drunk on dreams and aspirations, blissfully unaware of the finite nature of time.

But alas, at the apex of our crescendo, a chasm appeared. Oblivion stealthily seeped into our paradise, leaving us torn in the wake of its merciless tempest. The music faltered, and our heavenly dance transformed into a solitary melody, echoing in desolation. The words on these pages grew stale, their inked promises fading, as if weighed down by the sorrow of an incomplete tale.

Yet, even in the void left behind, I dare to imagine an alternate ending, a resurrection of our love against the tides of fate. The blank pages nestled amidst this unfinished chronicle symbolize the vast realm of possibility that awaits our reunion. Perhaps, in the unfolding future, these pages will be graced once more with the ink of your words, binding our fractured universe into a tapestry of redemption.

With each turn of the empty leaves, I weave fragments of anticipation and hope, daring to bridge the gaps between us. For I believe that despite the arduous distances and adverse circumstances, our narrative remains unfinished. It yearns for resolution, for the restoration of what once was.

So, if you ever decide to return, know that these pages shall wait patiently, pulsating with fervent desire. They yearn to be animated by the story we began, eager to witness the harmony of our souls once more. The empty spaces between these lines are a testament to the love we shared, a testament to the love that persists, flickering brightly in the depths of my being.

I was writing our story and had to stop at where you left. But, my love, the pen still lingers, the ink still flows, ever waiting for your tender touch. Until then, these pages shall remain, a testament to the unwritten chapters of our shared destiny.
© Jevanjee