

Love Yourself
why do we have to love ourself? is it really mandatory? is it really needed?
love came from your family is it not enough?
love yourself means accepting yourself embracing your flaws your wrong your achievements big or small fail or lose it not only about your saying "i love myself" saying means with action prove to yourself that you accept it prove to yourself that you you love yourself more than anyone because we know at the end of the day it is only you dont lower yourself and dont dont let insecurities eat you know why? it will only give wants wants wants wants and you will forever looking and copying someone you want to be like her, you want to have like that, you want the same like her does it satify you? maybe yes maybe no but one thing is for sure you dont have originalities so as long that you are insecure to someone you will wanted to be her exactly like her.
how are you gonna love someone if in the first place you cant love yourself. love yourself first before loving other that will start your confident being you.
© writing is not a joke but its a talent