

A Sad Writer
I'm dying to write your hidden scars..
And I love to paint it with black and gray; With tears as glitters, it will shine brightly.

I wanted to see how your eyes smile,
Those cheeky, goofy, mischievous expressions
everyone admires,
But they never know how deeply wounded you are inside.

Tell me, do you miss someone you love?
Do you longed to hear those laughters?
The whispers of sweet nothing?
Do you longed for it?
Tell me..
Do you want to feel those tight hugs?
The rush sound of tiny footsteps towards the bathroom door?
The giggles and pillow wars?
... and the familiar ache when she's gone?

How does it feel?
'Cause I'm dying to write how you've wasted the chances and time,
When I' m still there, hoping and wishing forever you are mine.

#writco #writer #regret #pain #WritcoUpdate #WritcoCommunity #WritcoPoemChallenge

© melai2020