

The Dark Spot (💔)
Those kids
Roaming on the street
Looking for food
Have nothing to feed
Their empty stomach
Sleep every night
Without a shelter
Have to suffer
The extreme.

Riches are no more thinking
Poors are only sinking
Deep and deep
In this endless sea
Of hopelessness and negativity.

Wish something
Could've done
Reality check
Is there anything I did
So do I have a right to say
I know the answer
It's a no.

People living
Below the line of poverty
Everyday a challenge
That they have to go through.
This situation that can't be compared,
Children with there naked feet
Selling their desires
To someone rich.

I see newspapers
And packets of chips
In the hands of innocence
They sell these
So that they can get
Something to eat.

They see
Some alien faces
Their expensive accessories
Pictures of maps
Of world outside their countries,
These are just their unspoken
And worthless dreams.

For them
Everything is now
No surity about tomorrow
If they live to see tomorrow
Or will this be their last night
This is the sorrow
They go through every night.

For privileged
It's good night
For the unprivileged
It's let there be light.


#theunprivileged #darkspots