

Just you know
Pebbles cannot bring down mighty walls
Arrows cannot harm bodies made out of eternal breath
Just like ashes are grey; life is important even at the last breath
To the people who made it in May
Marbles are suit worn from a distance
They keep watching, deep analyzing and
Once there is a beep, the clay will lie down in a state
I will be reinstated – that little voice said
An oath is made up of richness and assurance
But if the eye sees, the nose smells, the ear hears
And still have doubts and can be an influence
Then the head is not the ultimate
Arise! Arise oh my soul!
The sun will come from the west and sunset to the east
But an upright line will determine
Time as a name and time as a rhythm
I have an alias because I’m ambitious
For the things, others don’t see but I see
I have a family name; Posterity is a creation
The marks left behind is the banner for the next day
To the people who made it in May
Eagles do die just like worms also die
The acceptance of time, acceptance of self,
Acceptance of purpose, acceptance of one’s stands is divine.
Sometimes you find yourself holding
Different colors of candles to ignite
You're knowing how is the test.
Nobody can be the guest at two different places at the same time
But the art of quest can appreciate your presence at one place
And your name mention in another place
...To the people who made it in May.

#focus #nevergivingup #dreams #success

© Yaa Walker N. 2020/May/04.