

In your last days..
There was a young lady who wished to stay with her dearly loved one
and lived forever..
Within days had passed nothing had changes while lived in daydreaming

Hope turned into lies we live and years belie. She becomes a prisoner in the room of cage in a deepest morbidity.
In a raining days where her heart have drowned with full of water from emptiness feeling ...

she hardly breathe in her breaths where the chest had broken the rib cages her fragile heart that cannot be build..
Through weariness becomes permanence of mournful cries that soul never be heard..

30 days, she had waited all day in those disquieting mind that turn into devastated without end
Never had anyone have known the terror in her side had made her think she's a beast of selfishness...

Through all those helpless cry from the horrified feeling turn into discomfort like a scavengers eats the victim like prey in disguise... never would she know the hidden motives are remained hints of the truth with their lies...

She cries till night and day till it runs out the tears from dehydration of her drying corpse of misery ... as her heart was tired had run cold on the floor spilled in blood.... still waiting in her last smile for her love one "hope you find someone like me who waits for you and loved for all your life "...

And in this last words comes out from her paled lips "Do not come near me for I cannot bear myself anymore, if you have missed me just meet me in the last days of my funeral" ....

© AliceAnonymous99