

moonlight <3
Moonlight <3
I watched as his pretty dark eyes turned honey brown in the sunlight. I watched as his freshly damped curls bounced as he talked and moved his head slightly. As the smell of Shea butter and castor oil filled the air. I loved the color of his skin. How the color gold complimented his pretty brown skin so well. How the sunlight made his skin look so clear, not a pimple in sight . “What’s your favorite movie he asked” as I just sat across from him staring I reply and say “moonlight” with a tiny smile but big enough to show my dimple that I somehow only have in one cheek. “Why?” he asked with a tiny smile while skimming the pages of his book “seven days in June” was the title of the book “hmm not bad” I mumble to myself. He lifts his head up with a big smile and says “why is moonlight your favorite movie?” I lean back in my chair and say “because in moonlight,black boys look blue”

© myamariixo