

Unveiling Resilience: A Journey through Depression.
In shadows deep where sorrow weeps,
A haunting fog, depression creeps.
A silent thief, it steals the light,
And blankets days in endless night.

Its weight upon the weary soul,
Like heavy chains that take their toll,
It whispers lies of despair and pain,
Drowning hope in a sea of disdain.

Through tear-stained eyes, the world grows dim,
The colors fade, the chances slim.
Each step feels like a burdensome chore,
As darkness knocks on the heart's fragile door.

But hold on tight, dear troubled one,
For even in the darkest sun,
Seeds of resilience lie deep within,
Awaiting the touch of life to begin.

Embrace the storm, the tempest's might,
For after rain, the stars ignite.
Your scars, like ink upon the page,
Tell stories of strength, of battles waged.

Reach out your hand, let others in,
For love and support can help you win.
In shared moments, you'll find solace's art,
A balm to heal the wounded heart.

Know that you're not alone in this fight,
Though darkness may try to dim your light.
Together we'll rise, against the tide,
With empathy and compassion as our guide.

And when the sun breaks through the gray,
Chasing the shadows of yesterday,
You'll emerge, a phoenix, strong and bold,
For within you, a resilient spirit unfolds.

So, hold on tight, dear troubled one,
The road is long, but you're not done.
Your journey, though challenging and steep,
Will lead you to a place where your soul can leap.
© Jojoliusnova