

what if
What if I asked you to come back, would you?
What if I shared all my troubles and fears,
Would you lend a hand, would you stay true?
No, I know, you'd never wipe my tears.

What if I deleted your pictures, your smile,
Would your image still haunt my mind?
What if I moved far away for a while,
Would the echoes of us be left behind?

What if I changed my number, your laugh,
Would it still ring clear in my ears?
What if I burned my diaries, my past,
Would I lose those moments, those years?

What if I changed myself completely,
Could I erase you from my heart?
What if? Could I do it discreetly?
Guess not, I wouldn't know where to start.

So I think, what if I never met you,
What if I never gave you my trust?
What if our love was never true,
What if our bond turned to dust?

What if life had been kinder to me,
What if things had been okay?
I guess that too, wasn't meant to be,
Just dreams that faded away.

But then I think, what if I wasn't born,
What if I never called this place home?
What if I never knew this scorn,
What if I was free to roam?

What if my life had a different start,
Would it still be filled with pain?
Would I have a lighter heart,
And the right to complain?

In this maze of what-ifs, I wander,
Seeking answers that never come clear,
Caught between memories and wonder,
Chasing dreams that disappear.
© _areesha