

Awareness v.1.2
Dear Cubs of the Lion that arose,
I am so glad that our minds are close;
we seem to be Happy to disclose,
a Truth,so beautiful as a rose.

I know of a story that once was told
it may seem very old;
that a man within the kingdom's fold,
called down fire in a way untold;
upon a altar,which by water was made cold.

This was a man of like manner;
it wasn't that he ate of the Israelites' manna
but his ignition drove the house of Baal asunder.
Of such we are meant to acquire;
and not just to be amazed and wonder.

Arise,thou Ambassador
move in thy might,person of honor
no obstacle can stop you,including the door
light the building,from top to ground floor;
so that men may see and long for the same mighty splendor.

© The_eye