

Who am I

When I wake up in the morning
Gazing at the Sun mournfully
I ask myself a question
A question that echoes  through my brain through my nerves
A question that is worth of
Who am I
Am I the maiden who dwelves in the depths of the sea
Or a girl who reunited with her family

Am I the girl who betrayed her friends
Or a leopard who isn't fast enough to break the racing trend

Am I the girl who beheaded her friend
Or a girl who never liked rose scent

Am I the icy clear pearl  clamped under a sea shell
Or a young mistress who wanted to extend her hostility towards her sister's pal

Am I the little huntress,hunting for a successful prey
Or an acid red ruby that was buried near the bay

Am I the daring beaver threatening to kill a bear
Or a young lady who has been ambushed with fear

These questions hit my brain
I thought I was insane
And that is a mystery which is still yet to be solved.