

Dear Diary
Dear diary,
It's been ages since my last entry but lately I have been down and I need a familiar friend.
Yes diary I am still shy and my heart still flutters at taking new chances.
Pain? yes diary, it's the only constant reminder sometimes that am still alive.
Heartbreak? Yes my dear friend,I have experience a couple more of those and am unwilling to love again.
Whew!!!! Diary you know me so well, yes insomnia is still my best friend!
I still count sheeps cars and scars.
Scars? yes scars!
Ofcourse I am bleeding on those who didn't cut me they are all from the same species.
Funny you would mention that my diary. There's one right now that wants to love me or so he says but have been burn too much times to believe that.
Yes I have tried to give him the chance to prove me right but...
Yes prove me right because I expect him to hurt me!
It is fear diary,his species burn me!
Diary I don't like how your taking his side so I will put down my pen.
No diary you will hear more once I open this book again.
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