

The infinite line

There is a so long road from your lips to the sky!
All your children hold hands,
Bound into your promises.
All fall on their knees to find the lost stars.
Your fire opens its eyes into so deep night,
A knife into the heart of death.
I number the moments until
A rocket rides until your door.
The cow is here
With an ocean of milk to give.
I am just the hand to release
The flow on dry lips
My riches,
Arrows to hit hearts,
To gather all to your arms.
I have nothing here to hold.
I am carried by a wind ,
Released from your lips.
That is why I fall as a prey bird
Closer to your door.
It is signed.
The prisoners are free.
New way,
The hated loved,
Freedom to come closer,
A stronger look,
As gold drops into the fire of pain.
To say ‘I love you’
You need a name,
A flesh to touch.
It may be a risk of hurt
As there are many names for the night,
Many bodies consumed in inner fires,
Ashes in the wind
But a rockname
A rootbody
For any storm
To come out from myself
To the star without sky.