

At the end of the tunnel,
There's always a light,
Sometimes soft, at times bright...
Sometimes dark at night

There's a lady standing at last
She can't walk and she's lost
Hoping someone save her
Crying louder

Spare her life
Someone have knife
Save her there
Someone's near

At the end of tunnel
There's a lady standing at wood
There's a killer with a hood
Someone's save her?

The killer walking to her location
The lady just temping her emotion
Try to hold her breath
Pounding faster her hearth

She's crying like a child
The killer was wild
To kill her life
With his knife

The killer found her
The killer hold her hair
She's sobbing with her hands
The killers lay her in lands

One,two,three Showering with blood
The lady with the wood
Stabbing her leg
Killing like a pig

The killer smile
Seeing the lady die
Leaving the lady lay lifeless
The killer walk with happiness

The end of tunnel
There's always a light
That lady die at night
With no light

© Darklovesen