

A star in the sky was shining fairly bright
Still it was struggling for a spot in the night

To shine brighter, to be seen was its true passion
But it never received the deserved attention

Sad and unnoticed it was starting to fade
And we were busy watching the moon instead

The moon who doesn't even have its own shine
Borrowed the light of sun and claimed "it's mine"

Still the songs we wrote were never for the star
But it kept shining and never revealed the scar

Then the devil of night whom we call "Depression"
Slowly approached and whispered a solution

That scary night when the star self-sacrificed
The shock of supernova left us all surprised

And we finally noticed the shine from afar
As a supernova shines brighter than the star...

© Avik Ghosh

#RIP #SushantSinghRajput