

Why now?
Why not then?
When I was still hoping you could come back,

Why now?
When all the tears have been dried,
When all the scattered pieces have been placed back together,
When my sorrow has gone away,
When my smile has returned,
Why now?
Why not then?

Why now?
Why not then,
When I slept with my phone waiting for your call,
When I stalked all over you just to know the woman you replaced me with,
When you made me think I deserved it,in the thick of healing,
Why now?

Why now?
When my star has shine bright again,
When my pain is all gone,
When have already forgotten you,
When you mean nothing to me,
Why now?
Why not then?

Why now?
For me there is no now,
there is no then,
and there is no forever with you,
coz I found light on my darkest days,
I found cormfort on my painful days,
I found my star on a new moon,
I found him,
and you ain't a comparison,

Why now?
Why not then?

© @Rh