

self questioned
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way.
The way to every sorrow,
Lies upon the unfinished opportunity,
So stay awake and start working on it to the end.

"I don't know the right door but I will knock on every opportunity until I stumble upon an open gate" says an ambitious mind.

"I am not born for this, I hate my parents for their richness disability"
Says a working mind.

"I am lucky, I am in charge of my fate, I am in control, I am ready to break the hard walls."
Says a motivated mind.

"I am not strong, the world is not fair, I am unable, I don't know, I cannot, I will not. " says uninspired mind

" I was not lucky to be born rich but I must find my luck in this muddy world of lucks and figure my way out of this life." says the person who knows what they want.

" I am thankful for where I am, I am working towards more and dreaming of nothing but the best. " says the person who lives their dream.

" I will not do this for me. I want to do this for all those who look upon me to be the best at it, fit their sake I will toil and moil. " says the person who has had enough.

What does my mind say?
What does the person in me want?
Am I living my dream?
Do I do things for me or for others?
Well ask your self some questions and if the answer is yes or no, ask again why, how, when where.