

All I see is red
I can't understand it
The conspiracy and the dread
The anger that i can't seems to control
Stand back i am about to explode
Fury mixed with outrageous anonymosity
My blood is boiling bubbling with the contents of spiraling curiosity
I don't know, I can't seems to tell what's going on inside my own head
I must let go of this rage cause if I do not I will be in trouble or worst maybe dead
See I know what you are thinking
And yes I must confess this ain't no joke
This is like a controversy there ain't no limit to this insanity
I have got to set this place ablaze
Set it on fire get rid of the old me
Let myself go cause right now I can't even stand to look at myself
Eyes shot blood red drifted in amidst
It likes a curfew in my mind
Rampant ,Fiery and Unpredictability fills my soul
Just leave me alone with my thoughts and to my own feelings
I am an introvert I keep shit on the inside
Let alone my heartache ,my pain and my constricting thoughts I fear that one day my rage will eat me alive
And yet I see myself drinking and sobbing myself in misery
100% I devoted myself to the therapy and the drama
I Let my emotion spilled I am sorry
I can't do this anymore
Watch me I am going to set this place on fire
Watch it burnt to the ground
I am not broken yet I feel like a half of me is torn even the burning sensation in my chest
There ain't no restraint to this feeling
Don't try to change me cause am unchangeable
My emotions are what fuels me the driven rigidity of my insecurities
My body is imploding
Let alone the voices inside my head
They put me to sleep at night
Yet I still feel alone