

Do you feel bad?
Do you ever feel bad for leading me on?
Because one second you were here and the next you were gone.

Did you think that it wasn’t a big deal?
Or what we had wasn’t real?

Because honestly I don’t understand.
I know we never hung out, but we had it planned.

Did you ever even give it another thought?
Or were you just messing with me for the plot…

I like to think what we had was real,
but with the way you left I’m not sure how you feel-

I just wish you had given me a reason.
Because the way you dropped me felt like treason.

And really I think I have accepted it,
But still I wonder, if you think about how you so abruptly split?

One day we talked all night!
And the next we didn’t even talk a slight..

So I wonder… do you even think of me?
or what we had? Or what we wanted to be?

These are the questions I ask myself almost everyday.
And in the end I just wish you would’ve had more to say…

© LRose