

The Xmas Should have known

If the Xmas had known
Or if the signs were shown
That there'd be no rice and stew
Nor gifts from friends I knew

If the Xmas could say
How lonely I would be
While you'd be far away
At home and kins to see

If the Xmas could tell
How cold the nights had been
How I was blue and pale
From all the chill I'd seen

If the Xmas could see
That I'm so in love with you
It would have loved to be
A Christmas just for two

If the Xmas was ideal
There would have been my Aidy
For hugs and chats and kisses
Instead of blowing me to pieces

If the Xmas was told
Of what it has done to all
It would have changed its hold
Or would'nt have come at all.
© FrancisUdo