

No more am interested.
No more is the willingness yearning.
All my happiness has departed.
Inner pains are silently screaming.

Being a cheerful soul, a mere fiction.
Burnt ash is left behind the disguise.
Isolation and blankness are my accompanied addictions.
Body is breathing soul in demise.

Irony came crawling my way.
Took all my hope tainted my aura.
My small world now seems far away.
My people, my place, my lively flora.

Heart once broken never heals.
Darkness taking over, happiness pleads.
Elevated worst shades this phase reveals
Scars rooted deeper, eyes bleed.

Is this pain a perpetual succession?
Standing aloof and disheartened my story's climax
Flying back to good old days isn't possible
My heart's palace still stands with piercing cracks

© TheGloomyFire

This is just my creation on a thought and not my personal feelings.