

Fragile Yet Unbeoken

Fragile form, on turbulent sea
A paper boat, born to be free
Dancing waves, a gentle start
But soon, fierce gusts, a raging heart

The storm awakes, with furious might
Crashing waves, a desperate fight
The boat, a speck, on the dark blue stage
Tossed, tumbled, in a watery cage

Yet, still it floats, through the raging tide
A symbol of hope, where fears reside
Its paper heart, a resilient core
Beats strong, forever more

Through the tempest's roar, it finds a way
To ride the waves, night and day
Shredded, worn, but still afloat
A testament to a spirit that won't go down

The storm subsides, the sun breaks through
The boat, a warrior, its journey anew
Scarred, but stronger, it sails on by
A paper boat, that touched the sky

© Ade F'ayo