

Never lived to the fullest...💔

The amount of anger and hate for my human reason of being here on this earth is too much to bare. Tears rolled for more than 21 years and still she is trapped in this place. "I don't want to die and I never got the gift of life in my hands". They say shes treasure that has been kept so well. Yet they don't know the consequences of being kept like an egg, sheltered, trapped and hidden.
Toddler years never felt or seen, teenage years never experienced, adulthood a walk that leaves a mark to a destination of a lost girls journey. No guidance to how things work. How People function. She creates her own world filled with protection and security. Due to fear of living in the open. She now goes back to her past trapped life. Sometimes she blames her self for being so submissive, obedient for people to take advantage of her mentality. I hate my silence my unspoken hidden secrets.
When things get bad she doesn't have anyone to run to.