

Love you, hate me too.
I love everything about you,
And hate everything about me.
I love the way your hair shines in the light like it's made of diamond,
I hate the way mine shines like an oily pan.
I love the way your smile brightens anyone's mood,
I hate the way my smile only makes things weird.
I love the way you laugh and sparkle with happiness,
I hate the way I wheeze and sound like I'm a dying cat.
I love the way you always know what to say,
I hate the way I never know what to do.
I love the way you're always there when someone needs you,
I hate the way I can't always help because I have my own problems.
I love the way you're perfect in everything you do,
I hate the way I'm mediocre at best.
I love the way you'll tell me I'm wrong when I show you this poem,
I hate the way I know you'll mean it but I can't accept it.
I love the way you exist,
I hate the way I tape together living.
I love you,
And hate me too.

© ●•ßugz{Før}Bra¡!ns•●