

Lil bro

He is an inquisitive lad, who's driven by
curiosity,determination, eagerness
and willingness. He is the spring of the
lion identity. He rejuvenates and
glamorizes the lion pack.

With his bicuspids sharp as double-edged
swords, the jungle lie still in trauma
He's not bitter, or rather a cold blooded
murder. He kills to live, not for fun!

He is everyone's friend and simultaneousely
Everyone's foe. To answer that "how?" question
of yours : He tried to stay amiable at all
times, but everyone remained afraid of.

He is enigmatic,  and perplexity is his second name. He is a one unpredictable lion lad.
He always tells his pack, "Aspire to inspire before you expire" . He's a legend, by definition, an invincible, incredible warrior which is relatively
a missile.
He's the daily motivation to our Lion Pack!

© keep going!