

The world versus Melancholy

Torrents of strife!
Waves of hatred!
Billows of despondency!
Field of deaths !

The world will say it's a fight for peace.
Melancholy will boast it's a fight of quietness.

We keep protesting
We keep crying
We keep pleading
We keep mourning
Still there is no peace.

We have casted the lot in confusion.
We have gotten the prize " depression"
Clashes and frustration
Rapes and molestation,
Killings and protestations
Government increase in corruption.
Pandemic without vaccination.

Fear is become a part of us
Tears a one of us

Our roads are constructed without maintainace.
Our paths are cleared without sustainance.

We are made and marred each day.
We know we will fade and die someday.


The creator is greatly vexed.
The mediator has sent tense.
The world is in confusion.
The power of melancholy is in fusion.

Aggravated poverty
Aggrandizing property.
Administrating policies
Abandoned promises.
The world gives, melancholy takes.

So who wins the WORLD or MELANCHOLY there is a great concussion.

"There is a trusted and tested sailor who will sail on the waters of the world and drive out MELANCHOLY.
He is called the saviour.
A king who rules the world and will also restore it form the bloody hands of MELANCHOLY.

"he remains lord regardless of well you know him"

# theworldversusmelacholy#